The outstanding new Martin Scorsese-produced documentary "Beatles '64" has been released on Disney+ this week, and it is definitely worth watching.
It is a terrific film that captures the madness of the Beatles' arrival in the U.S. and the aftermath of their first three-week visit to the country in February 1964, which included their historic appearance on "The Ed Sullivan Show."
Directed by David Tedeschi, this impressive work is loaded with outstanding archival footage, new interviews (some of which are conducted by an unbilled Scorsese), and insightful perspectives from experts, historians, and the living Beatles themselves.
In honor of this new documentary's release, I have decided to rank the 5 official films starring the Beatles in order of my preference and discuss what makes each one special.
The 5 Official Beatles Movies: RANKED
1) HELP!
I know it's not popular to rank this silly little movie first on the list of Beatles movies, but it's the first one I saw. It still brings me joy, and it features some of my very favorite songs from their catalog. I realize that "A Hard Day's Night" is technically a better film and that it had much more historical significance, but I don't care. I love "Help!" and I make no apologies for it.
Directed by Richard Lester, who also directed "A Hard Day's Night," "Help!" is a very silly farce in which the band is struggling to protect Ringo from a cult, some mad scientists, and other goofy villains, who all want the powerful sacrificial ring that is stuck on his finger.
Complete wackiness ensues, including tigers, kidnappings, mistaken identities, secret trap doors, Paul being shrunken down to a mini-Paul, and a ceremony in which Ringo will be sacrificed.
All of this goofiness is intercut with some of the best Beatles songs of their career, shot in a style similar to "A Hard Day's Night," which is basically the beginning of music videos as we know them and the whole inspiration for The Monkees TV series.
It's all very silly, but the songs...I mean, wow.
"Help!," "The Night Before," "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away," "I Need You," "Another Girl," "You're Gonna Lose That Girl," "Ticket to Ride," "Act Naturally," "It's Only Love," "You Like Me Too Much," "Tell Me What You See," '"I've Just Seen a Face," "Yesterday," and "Dizzy Miss Lizzy."
"Help!" is a stone-cold classic loaded with some of the best music you will ever hear, which is the case for all five of these movies.
Many consider this 1964 movie, directed by Richard Lester, to be not only the best of the Beatles films but also one of the best musical films ever made. It portrays 36 hours in the lives of the group as they prepare for a television performance.
The movie was both a critical and commercial success and was nominated for two Oscars, including Best Original Screenplay. It is one of the most influential musical films of all time, inspiring the Monkees TV show, music videos, and many other musical films, including "Ferry Cross the Mersey" and more.
Lester's slam-bang style and shameless use of cinematic tricks give the film an experimental feel and fresh quality that still exists when you watch it today. It is pure joy, and the music is timelessly beautiful as well, with incredible and perfect pop classics like: "I Should Have Known Better," "If I Fell," "And I Love Her," "Any Time at All," "Things We Said Today," "Can't Buy Me Love," "Tell Me Why," and more.
This 1970 film, directed by Michael Lindsay-Hogg, documents the Beatles' rehearsing and recording songs in January 1969 for what was to become their 12th and final studio album, "Let It Be." It ends with the group's unannounced rooftop concert performance, which turned out to be their last public performance together.
The project was originally conceived as a TV documentary that would be part of a concert broadcast, but when the concert was canceled, the documentary became a theatrical feature presentation that was promoted as "witnessing the breakup of the Beatles."
The movie obverses the band with a fly-on-the-wall perspective, without narration, scene titles, or interviews with the subjects. The rehearsals and recordings are fascinating to watch and incredibly revealing as the strained relationships, tensions, and unspoken politics within the band unfold before your very eyes.
The laid-back approach makes for an uncomfortably intimate peek into the lives of the band and the visitors to the soundstage, who include Mal Evans, Billy Preston, Yoko Ono, Linda Eastman, and producer George Martin.
The final portion of the film is classic stuff. The band (and Preston) perform the unannounced concert on the studio rooftop as onlookers gather below, and the police are summoned to stop the show from disrupting businesses during their lunch hour.
After playing classics like "Get Back," "Don't Let Me Down," "I've Got a Feeling," "One After 909," and "I Dig a Pony," the gathered audience in the street applauds. John Lennon quips: "I'd like to say thank you on behalf of the group and ourselves, and I hope we passed the audition." Legendary.
A crazy 1968 animated film inspired by the Beatles' music, this landmark work has influenced everyone from Steven Spielberg to Saturday morning cartoons, the creators of Pixar, Ralph Bakshi, and beyond. It was also one of the first cartoons to be taken seriously by kids, adults, and academics alike. It is a truly groundbreaking movie in every way.
The plot is insane. Music-hating creatures called Blue Meanies launch an attack on Pepperland, the undersea paradise home to Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and other music-loving beings. Eventually, the Beatles are recruited to help, and they travel via the titular vehicle to defeat the Blue Meanies.
The film uses a fine compilation of songs, including the title track, "Hey Bulldog," "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds," "Baby You're a Rich Man," "All You Need is Love," "Nowhere Man," "Eleanor Rigby," and more.
Initially, the Beatles were supposed to provide their own voices, but they only participated in the closing scene. At the same time, actors John Clive, Geoffrey Hughes, and Paul Angelis gave life to the group in the rest of the film.
Gorgeously animated, wildly surreal, and incredibly fun, this silly little lark of a movie has gone down in history as one of the best-animated features of all time with a killer soundtrack.
Yeah, it's terrible. Yeah, it makes no sense. Yeah, it's self-indulgent. But I don't care because the music is UNBELIEVABLE.
This 1967 made-for-TV experiment was conceptualized and led by Paul, who allegedly just drew a circle on a giant piece of white paper and then started writing notes here and there during filming. That was the script.
It's about a bus tour that goes terribly wrong (I guess??) thanks to the insane happenings provided by a group of crazy magicians. The premise was inspired by Ken Kesey's "Furthur" adventures with The Merry Pranksters and lots and lots of drugs. I mean, lots and lots of drugs. Seriously, lots and lots of drugs. Lots and lots of strong drugs.
It's mostly unwatchable, but then again, I have never seen it sober, so I can't say for sure. The album soundtrack, though, is incredible and features some of my very, very favorite Beatles songs from their most experimental period.
Along with the remarkable title track, the songs include "The Fool on the Hill," "Flying," "Blue Jay Way," "Your Mother Should Know," "I am the Walrus," "Hello, Goodbye," "Strawberry Fields Forever," "Penny Lane," "Baby, You're a Rich Man," and "All You Need is Love."
The film is absolutely terrible, but the music is unbeatable, and even though it is ranked at the bottom of this list, it still contains the best music ever. So yeah, I'll happily watch John Lennon shovel tons of spaghetti onto Ringo's aunt Jessie's plate for five minutes as long as I can hear those damned cool songs.
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