Flashback Weekend Horror Convention all begins tomorrow, and I have been hyping it up this week with great memories and fun behind-the-scenes stories.
Now, it's time to make your own memories and stories this weekend at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare from Friday, August 2nd thru Sunday August 4th.
Below is a full schedule of events and activities for this year's convention with highlights of the stuff I'm most excited about and/or participating in. There is certainly A LOT here, but with proper planning and some energy, you can do it all!
12:00PM - 2:00PM | Registration Booth for advance ticket purchases early pick-ups
2:00PM - 8:30PM | Registration Booth for on-site sales & advance ticket pick-ups
3:00PM - 9:00PM | Dealers room & Celebrity signings
5:45PM | “F THIS MOVIE” Podcast with Patrick Bromley
6:00PM | Nick Castle and Nancy Stephens
6:45PM | Charles Band discusses his new Pulp Noir Thriller “QUADRANT”
7:00PM | Rich Koz presents: An Evening Celebrating 45 Years as "SVENGOOLIE" moderated by Nick Digilio This one is an absolute MUST see, and I guarantee it will be great!
8:15PM | Opening remarks by Dann Gire and Morgan Gire
8:30PM | “CABIN FEVER” reunion moderated by Steve Prokopy

VENTANAS (the top floor bar at the Hyatt)
45th ANNIVERSARY OF “THE WARRIORS”! 9:15PM - ??? | After-Party – “THE WARRIORS” Costume Party Enjoy a panoramic view of Chicago’s skyline & O’Hare while partying in Class & Style! Dress as your favorite gang or characters from “The Warriors” (Gang colors optional). Civilians and Prom couples also welcome. All Flashback Weekend ticket holders welcome. One (1) drink purchase minimum from the bar upstairs. Attendance limited to capacity. Cash Bar. Press “V” in the glass elevators for the top floor.

9:30AM - 5:30PM | Registration Booth Open
10:00AM - 7:00PM | Dealer room open
10:00AM - 6:00PM | Celebrity signings
2:00PM - 3:30PM | Svengoolie Autograph Signings - Meet Rich Koz! Get autographs, selfies & more. An annual tradition.
11:00AM | Jason Paul Collum
11:30AM | John Borowski
12:00PM | Alan Howarth

12:30PM | “THE NICK D PODCAST” with Nick Digilio and Esmeralda Leon 1:00PM | Don Coscarelli Special Guest on "THE NICK D PODCAST"
Yeah...this is gonna RULE!

1:45PM | TBA
2:30PM | James Jude Courtney & Rohan Campbell
3:15PM | Quinn Lord
3:45PM | An appreciation of “John Carpenter’s THE THING” by Nick Digilio & Steve Prokopy 4:00PM | “John Carpenter's THE THING” Reunion Six original cast members of the classic film on the stage! Steve and I will ask all the great questions and you will get to hear some incredible behind-the-scenes stories about the making of one of the great horror films of all time. This will be a true highlight of the weekend!

5:00PM | 18th Annual Sinister Visions Costume Contest hosted by Svengoolie I introduce Sven every year, and get to hang out with him during the contest. This event is ALWAYS my very favorite part of the entire weekend and I'm always honored to participate with Mr. Koz during this fun extravaganza!

8:15PM | ALAN HOWARTH LIVE PERFORMANCE TO “HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF THE WITCH” (1982) Composer Alan Howarth will perform his classic score to “HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF THE WITCH.” This all-immersive audio and visual film screening experience is not to be missed! No extra charge for paid Flashback Weekend attendees. Limited to seating capacity.
Introduced by director Charles Band. Prizes and more! “QUADRANT” is the new Pulp Noir Thriller from Full Moon Film which has the vibes of the early Empire films and their classics such as “CASTLE FREAK”. *No extra charge for paid Flashback Weekend attendees (seating limited to seating capacity).
VENTANAS (the top floor bar at the Hyatt)
10:00PM | Official After-Party
The elegant bar on the top floor of the Hyatt. Enjoy a panoramic view of Chicago’s skyline & O’Hare while partying in class & style! Press “V” in the glass elevators for the top floor!
SUNDAY AUG. 4, 2024
9:30AM - 3:00PM | Registration Booth Open
10:00AM - 4:00PM | Dealers room and Celebrity signings
11:30AM | Brett Wagner
12:00PM | Adrienne Barbeau I'm moderating this Q&A panel...and it will be awesome.

12:45PM | Tom Atkins & Stacey Nelkin Steve Prokopy talks with the stars of "Halloween III"

1:30PM | "THE WARRIORS" Reunion - CAN YOU DIG IT!!??? I can! I am moderating this hugely anticipated reunion of the stars of the classic Walter Hill cult masterpiece. We are gonna hear outstanding stories as we hang out with the REAL Warriors. One of the most exciting events of the weekend!

2:30PM | Michael Gross The final panel of the weekend is moderated by Steve Prokopy, and it's gonna be great!

So, that's the schedule and some recommendations. I hope to see you all this weekend at this wonderful gathering. Be sure to come up and say hi and remember to wear comfortable shoes.
Thanks, and please SUBSCRIBE to my weekly NEWSLETTER. Consider joining me on Patreon as a paid subscriber to help keep this thing going. Thanks again!